Saturday, June 08, 2019

What Does "Right to Life" Even Mean?

If a fetus has a "right" to life, but a woman has a "right" not to be fined or imprisoned for violating her fetus' "right" to life, what does "pro-life" even mean? That you'll express your disapproval of her choice to have an abortion?

Well, OK. You have a "right" to free speech. Just keep religion out of it. You don't have a "right" to engage in religious speech, and you most certainly don't have to right to practice a religion. Never mind how trans-rational and trans-empirical this whole rights thing really is.

If you believe neither the abortionist nor the woman contracting for his services (such as they are) should face any consequences beyond moral censure, you are operationally "pro-choice." Baby-killers don't care about your vehement opposition to their peculiar choice.

Either way, the right to life is not worth the parchment it's not written on. Same goes for any other right. (Full disclosure: I believe abortion destroys a miniature human being.)


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