Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Heresy of Americanism

What, pray, is the "textbook perfect definition of the heresy of Americanism"? Did St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas succumb to the heresy when they denied, e.g., "the Church's social teaching had any place in the civil domain" with respect to prostitution? They did that when they argued for legalized prostitution, no?

Granted, abortion is a more grievous matter than prostitution. But where is a Catholic American politician supposed to draw the line? Should a Catholic American politician threaten to toss adulterers, fornicators and contracepting couples into the hoosegow? Is that the only way he can be faithful to the Church's social teachings?

Where do my obligations as a Catholic impinge on my duties as an American citizen? As an anarchist, I regard taxation as theft and imperial war as mass murder. Yet others in this forum regard Austrian economics--which is descriptive science, not prescriptive moral code--as a matter more worthy of condemnation. Go figure.


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