Thursday, August 10, 2017

Entrails & Rights

Stupid entrails-wielding Romans!

If you're romping around the place strangling some people with the entrails of other people, the world won't know peace. By definition.

The world won't know peace until the last person who claims the world won't know peace until a specific event happens is strangled with the entrails of the last person who knows the world won't know peace no matter what happens. Because in that case everybody will be dead.

The world won't know peace until the last reproductive rights activist is strangled with the entrails of the last animal rights activist. Because reproductive rights and animal rights are fake. Or reproductive rights are real and animal rights are fake. Or the other way around. Or they're both real. You decide. Let evidence and reason be your guide.

I've long wondered whether Truman dropped the bomb on Japan's most Christian city only to establish his Freemasonic street cred. The world won't know peace until the last noble abstraction-spouting politician is strangled with the entrails of the last flaky New Age cultist. 


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