Sunday, September 23, 2018

James Spaight & Richard Edmonds & Dresden

"Friends, my name is Richard Edmonds. I am British and I have traveled her to Dresden to say that the bombing of Dresden in February 1945 was a crime, a crime which was committed by the British government. As we know, in the final weeks of the Second World War, hundreds of British bombers mercilessly attacked this city. The blood of the victims stains and besmirches the hand of the government that ordered this dreadful attack.

"It was Churchill's government which ordered the attack on Dresden. And it was Churchill's government which started the bombing war: the bombing war which deliberately rained terror, mutilation, fire and death onto the homes of millions of defenseless civilians, women, mothers, children and old folk. And the British government openly and shamelessly confirmed in the official history of the British Royal Air Force that it was Britain that started the dreadful and pitiless bombing war.I quote from the official history of the Royal Air Force:

"'It was we British who started the bombing war which aimed deliberately to target civilians.' End of quote.

"Fact: it was the British bombers which deliberately bombed the German city of Muenchen Gladbach as early as April 1940; in the early summer of 1940, British bombers repeatedly bombed the towns of the Ruhr district. The reaction of the German government against these repeated bombing attacks on German towns and cities came only months later. For example, the notorious attack by the German Luftwaffe on Coventry came as late as November 1940.

"The role of Churchill's government in initiating the bombing war and its increasing barbarism is clear. For example the leading British official and Secretary of State at the British Ministry of War, James Spaight, described in his official book, Bombing Vindicated, and I quote:

"'We British started the bombing war which was aimed deliberately at civilians living in homes hundreds of miles behind the fighting front-lines.' And the British Secretary of State, member of Churchill's government, said that 'we are proud, proud of what we did': Quote from Bombing Vindicated. These are the words of the British Secretary of State and member of Churchill's war-time government. Hundreds of thousands of civilians fell victim to the British and American bombing war. It is of course a war-crime for a soldier to aim his weapon at civilians. The British and Americans gave themselves permission a million times over to commit this particular war-crime. And Churchill's Secretary of State was 'proud' of what they had done. One sees the source of the cold-blooded barbarism."


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