Wednesday, June 06, 2018

Christian Attempts at Self-Preservation are Hateful!

At the risk of perpetuating anti-Semitic canards, Jews ("Talmudists") collaborated with Muslims during the Crusades, which had something to do with the pogroms. Just as Jews ("conversos") collaborated with Muslims during the 14th and 15th centuries in Spain, which had something to do with the Inquisition and Reconquista. Just as Jews ("neocons") collaborate with Muslims in 21st century America, which has something to do with the rise of the alt-right. 

Jewish collaborations with the enemies of Christendom are inevitably explained away as legitimate attempts at self-preservation. Christian attempts at legitimate self-preservation are inevitably condemned as hateful and bigoted aggressions. 

I am reminded of the late Gore Vidal's line about the Puritans. They didn't come to the New World to escape religious persecution, he said. No, they came to escape people tired of being persecuted by them. 

See? Perspective is everything.


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