Saturday, August 03, 2019

Open Borders Musings

Tax the serfs to bomb the wogs.
Tax the serfs to resettle the wogs.
Tax the serfs to feed and house the wogs.
Tax the serfs to compel association with the wogs.
Tax the serfs to quell the inevitable serf-wog clashes that ensue.
Tax the serfs to fund the police state necessitated by all that quelling.

"OMG! You're against mass immigration? What kind of libertarian objects to voluntary interactions?!"


"These are our ancestral homelands. We will defend our people and our culture." 

Thus quoth the Native American Sioux. He stands before sacred Bear Butte in South Dakota. The Purveyors of Respectable Opinion nod in solemn agreement. 

Thus quoth the Saudi Muslim. He stands outside the Kaaba in Mecca. The Purveyors of Respectable Opinion nod in solemn agreement.

Thus quoth the Israeli Jew. He stands at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. The Purveyors of Respectable Opinion nod in solemn agreement. 

Thus quoth the Shinto Japanese. He stands inside a temple in Kyoto honoring his ancestors. The Purveyors of Respectable Opinion nod in solemn agreement. 

Thus quoth the Frenchman at what remains of the Cathedral of Notre Dame, or the Italian at St. Peter's Basilica, or the Englishman at St. Paul's. The Purveyors of Respectable Opinion erupt in righteous fury. "Nazi! Racist! Xenophobe!"


Blood? Check. Soil? Check. Family? Check. Tradition? Check. Christianity? Check. Community? Check. Separatism? Check.

Truth be told, "separatism" puts it mildly. We're talking total border control. Not enforced by ICE agents, no, but by notoriously Spartan living standards, which serve only to preserve their racial and religious superiority. Throw in rabid anti-vaxxism, raw milk-trafficking, and opposition to the permanent U.S. regime to 'Muricanize the globe via humanitarian bombing.

But wait. There's more.

Their Scriptures are written in German! That's right! The language of Schicklgruber himself!

See? I told you the Amish are a hate group.



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