Monday, November 09, 2009

I am reminded of FDR's use of this term while thumbing his nose at the U.S. Constitution's clearly stated constraints on the powers of his office. He insisted the crises of his day--the First Great Depression, the wars in Europe and the South Pacific--demanded a new paradigm. Never mind that he himself had had much to do with precipitating them! Later--and, for that matter, earlier--presidents proved just as keen to treat this purported social contract as "just a [expletitive deleted] piece of paper," in George W. Bush's elegant phraseology. But a government without constraints is a lawless government. That's why the word anarchy is so misleading: anarchists oppose the State precisely because of its innate tendency to grow lawless. In the immortal words of Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley, responding to antiwar protestors at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, "The police aren't here to create disorder; they're here to preserve it."



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