Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Great Non-God Verbal Formalism

T: Again with the "rights." Thank the Great Non-God Verbal Formalism you're not religious.

D: I thought you said that rights exist, it's just that they are metaphysical.

T: If you espouse Sky Wizardry ("rights") with no Sky Wizard, you're not being religious. You're being *rational*!  The intellectual contortions are breathtaking. And on and on they go.

D: So are you trying to justify your religious belief in your Sky Wizard by sarcastically berating rights?

T: So are you trying to justify your religious belief in your Sky Wizardry ("rights") by sarcastically berating the Sky Wizard?

K: Rights are a logical construct of how moral agents should behave toward one another based on their natural existence. How those moral agents came into existence is irrelevant.

T: Sure they're logical. That's why there's such unanimity of agreement about them.

N: Actually, even murderers and thieves don't want to be killed or stolen from . . . . 

T: Fetuses don't want to be aborted. Big deal.


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