Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Canards & Vanilla History

X is a tiny minority wielding grossly disproportionate influence in a society. X promotes accounts blaming the larger group, Y, for alleged persecution of X. Y points to evidence of X provoking Y throughout history. "It takes two to tangle!" the Y apologists insist.

X employs its resources in media, academia, and the entertainment industry to convince society the evidence some Y adduce of X misbehavior in itself exemplifies Y misbehavior. "They promote anti-X canards!" the X apologists insist. Society proceeds to mainstream anti-Y canards.

See how it works? Accounts of X misbehavior are dismissed as canards. Allegations of Y misbehavior? Well, that's just vanilla history. 


Y claims X controls Hollywood, the media, government, corporations, and the banks.
X proceeds to destroy Y's career as an entertainer. X enlists the media, politicians, and business executives in a campaign to discredit Y for hate speech. X pressures Y's bank to stop doing business with Y.
No one ever breathes a word of X's disproportionate influence again.
See? I told you everything Y spouted was just a pack of anti-X canards.


"The insidious nature of anti-Semitism, and these tropes about power, is Kanye can say these things--'Jews have all the power, they're controlling everything'--and if we don't get him, if we don't deal with that, the myth spreads and it takes root." 

~Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO, Anti-Defamation League


Blogger John C said...

Thaddeus Kozinski writes about “scapegoats”. Thank you for your blog.

9:10 AM  

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