Thursday, August 14, 2008

Here's a hypothetical situation:

Candidate A does not support siccing tax-funded agents of the State on abortionists or the women who seek their "services." He allows the evil of abortion to take place. At the same time, unlike his counterparts in China, he does not force women to have abortions. Candidate A also opposes pre-emptive war.

Candidate B favors siccing tax-funded agents of the State on abortionists but not on the women who seek their "services." He also favors pre-emptive war, which means he will sic tax-funded agents of the State on those hapless nations he deems worthy of Benevolent Hegemon uplift. He recognizes that tens of thousands of innocent civilians will die in his pre-emptive war, including hundreds of pregnant women and their fetuses. Candidate B sheds crocodile tears over this unfortunate state of affairs, all the while assuring us, and himself, he's advancing a greater good.

Which candidate is the lesser of two evils? (For the record, I'm not voting for Obama or McCain.)
