Sunday, November 05, 2017

Immigration and Racism

"It is perfectly true that our present immigration policy does (and should) favor North Europeans over people from other parts of Europe, while it discriminates still more rigidly against the entry of non-white races. But the basic reason for this is not a theory of race superiority, but that most fundamental and most legitimate of all human instincts, self-preservation — rightly termed 'the first law of nature.'" 

~Lothrop Stoddard

Thursday, November 02, 2017

"Free" Immigration & "Free" Trade Parallels

I see parallels between the problems of immigration in a world of state borders and international exchange in a world of state-managed trade agreements. NAFTA is 2,000 pages long and is riddled with subsidies and tariffs and sweetheart deals and byzantine regulations. Yet both paleo-conservatives like Pat Buchanan and left-libertarians like Nick Gillespie call it a free-trade agreement. Go figure.