Saturday, October 26, 2019

Rights! They're A Religion!

Voting Rights
Medicare-For-The-Elderly Rights
Medicare-For-All Rights
Reproductive Rights
Collective Bargaining Rights
Equal Employment Rights
Fair Housing Rights
Equal-Access-To-Private-Lunch-Counter Rights
Tenant Rights
Gay Rights
Transgendered Rights
Migrant Rights

And let's not forget "free and compulsory" (yes, at the same time!) public education. That's a right, too. 

"But . . . but .. . but . . . . Muh property rights, muh Non-Aggression Principle, muh 'taxation is theft'!"

Rights! They're a religion!


Eighty-eight percent of Americans believe no business has a right to deny anybody service on account of race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin. To do so violates the shunned party's "civil rights." 

Seven percent of Americans believe a business has every right to deny anybody service for any reason--including race, creed, color, sex, sexual orientation, or national origin. To gainsay free disassociation violates the business owner's "property rights." The right to property, these crackpots insist, is a "natural right." 

Nowhere in the West do these ballyhooed property rights exist. The EU democracies all compel association of the natives with the imported hordes from North Africa and the Sub-Sahara. This is not a matter of righting a historical wrong. Western Europe does not share the U.S.' dark legacy of slavery.

So much for empiricism. So much for reason. So much for "natural rights."

Don't do rights. Rights are a religion. 

Saturday, October 05, 2019

Con Duper: Half-Baked

I'm simply engaging in free speech. You indoctrinate.
I'm merely identifying a threat. You level a threat.
There's no such thing as fraud in business. Caveat emptor! Also, "religion" is a fraud and must be rooted from the face of the earth.
I am a religious and political atheist. I am guided only by reason, logic, evidence, common sense, and the infield fly rule.


You don't commit a crime if you hire a hit-man. The hit-man commits the crime. Whether you pay, incite, or in any way encourage him to carry out the hit is irrelevant. Also, if you tell him he'll go to Heaven for carrying out the hit, but go to Hell if he fails to carry out the hit, you indoctrinate him. That is a crime.


Me: "I have reviewed the evidence. I have concluded vaccines aren't safe and effective as billed by the medical establishment."
Con Duper: "Is that why you keep playing up the risks of vaccines and downplaying their benefits?"
Me: "I believe the risks are real and the benefits overstated. I'm not 'playing up' or 'downplaying' anything."
C.D.: "You mean anti-vaxxers have preyed upon your fear of autism and asthma to dissuade you from vaccinating yourself and your kids?"
Me: "You're couching my position in tendentious terms, but for all intents and purposes, yes."
C.D.: "Then it's not voluntary is it? Anti-vaxxers have indoctrinated you."
Me: "I am open to evidence to the contrary. The opposing side has not made its case."
C.D.: "Spoken like a true slave. The anti-vaxxers have brainwashed you. Anti-Vaxxism and State: convincing you they are two different things while using fear to control your mind."

Thursday, October 03, 2019

Drugs, Vaccination, Abortion

"Do I have the right to ingest, inject, or inhale psychoactive plants?"
"No. You may get addicted to the plant and commit crimes against life and property to fund your habit."
"Do I have the right not to vaccinate my kid?"
"No. Your kid may succumb to infectious disease and infect other kids with it."
"Do I have the right to kill the miniature human being growing inside me?"
"Sure. Your body, your choice."
Man will never be free until the last Rights Theist is hanged with the entrails of the last Rights Atheist.