Shrugging Off Open Borders
Any libertarian worth his salt agrees the State, which has no business existing in the first place, ought not to enforce borders, enact wealth transfers, or infringe on association. In the world as it is, the State does all three.
Open-borders libertarians insist the State cease and desist from enforcing borders while shrugging off the wealth transfers and association infringements. Closed-borders libertarians insist the State cease and desist from wealth transfers and association infringements while shrugging off the border enforcement.
I fancy myself a purist. Whose side should I take?
Open-borders libertarians insist the State cease and desist from enforcing borders while shrugging off the wealth transfers and association infringements. Closed-borders libertarians insist the State cease and desist from wealth transfers and association infringements while shrugging off the border enforcement.
I fancy myself a purist. Whose side should I take?