ZOG "Secular" Democracies Are Confessional States
A Jewish child in the Papal States fell sick, so his Christian servant baptized him for the sake of his soul. (Though it was illegal for Jews to have Christian servants, Mortara's parents ignored this law.) Whether it was correct to do so seems debatable, with the official position of the church at the time being that you should not baptize a child against the will of his parents. The child then miraculously recovered.
The baptized are under the protection of the Pope, especially baptized children who are particularly defenseless and more easily misled. Given that the child was baptized, whether he should have been or not, and that he was in the Papal States, how could the Pope's government have let him be raised by unbelieving Jews who would teach him to reject Christianity? How could they answer to God that they knowingly let such a thing happen to one entrusted to their care when they could easily have prevented it?
The child grew up to become a priest and expressed gratitude for having been raised Catholic. He also wrote letters to his biological parents urging them to accept Christianity, but they never did.
Rabid secularists fail to appreciate the confessional nature of the freethinking, democratic, and oh so enlightened modern Administrative State. If you will permit me to concoct a parallel scenario:
A Christian child in ZOG (and now also islamicized) France succumbed to Holocaust denial, so his public educators sent him to re-education camps for the sake of his soul. (Though it was illegal to impart Holocaust denial to a child, Raoul's parents ignored this law.) Whether it was correct to do so seems debatable, with the official position of the State at the time being that you should not educate a child against the will of his parents. The child then miraculously recovered and became an ardent Holocaustian.
The Holocaust-initiated are under the protection of ZOG, especially Christian children who are particularly defenseless and more easily misled. Given that the child was Christian, whether he should have been or not, and that he was subject to ZOG, how could ZOG authorities have let him be raised by unbelieving Christian parents who would teach him to reject Holocaustianity? How could they answer to the Sacred Six Million that they knowingly let such a thing happen to one entrusted to their care when they could easily have prevented it?
The child grew up to become a curator of a Holocaust museum and expressed gratitude for having been raised Holocaustian. He also wrote letters to his imprisoned biological parents urging them to accept Holocaustianity, but they never did.
Does the average rabid secularist object to Western democracies' Holocaust "denial" laws? If you want to learn who really wields power, just find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.
A Christian child in ZOG (and now also islamicized) France succumbed to Holocaust denial, so his public educators sent him to re-education camps for the sake of his soul. (Though it was illegal to impart Holocaust denial to a child, Raoul's parents ignored this law.) Whether it was correct to do so seems debatable, with the official position of the State at the time being that you should not educate a child against the will of his parents. The child then miraculously recovered and became an ardent Holocaustian.
The Holocaust-initiated are under the protection of ZOG, especially Christian children who are particularly defenseless and more easily misled. Given that the child was Christian, whether he should have been or not, and that he was subject to ZOG, how could ZOG authorities have let him be raised by unbelieving Christian parents who would teach him to reject Holocaustianity? How could they answer to the Sacred Six Million that they knowingly let such a thing happen to one entrusted to their care when they could easily have prevented it?
The child grew up to become a curator of a Holocaust museum and expressed gratitude for having been raised Holocaustian. He also wrote letters to his imprisoned biological parents urging them to accept Holocaustianity, but they never did.
Does the average rabid secularist object to Western democracies' Holocaust "denial" laws? If you want to learn who really wields power, just find out whom you are not allowed to criticize.