Kenneth Roth: Doctors Must Perform Abortions
Kenneth Roth, head of a "human rights" organization known as--wait for it--Human Rights Watch, claims unborn babies have no human rights. That's where unborn babies come up short against women. Women do have human rights. Therefore, women have the human right to kill their fetuses if they choose.
Roth says unborn babies are human only in a "philosophical" sense. What he means, presumably, is that a woman's right to kill her unborn child is scientific, which trumps any philosophical claims one might assign to a fetus. A fetus' rights are metaphysical; and metaphysics, as we all know, is bunk.
Roth points out that recognizing abortion as a "right" does not conflict with religious freedom, because people have a "right" to equate abortion with baby-killing. They just don't have a "right" to get in the way of abortion. Nevertheless, Roth sees nothing wrong with getting in the way of a doctor's "right" not to perform abortion. Doctors have no "right" to deny an abortion to a woman seeking an abortion.
A woman's right to an abortion trumps a doctor's right not to violate his personal convictions against abortion. This makes sense. Only an indoctrinated doctor would uphold any "moral" standard restricting a woman's human rights.
Don't do rights. Rights are a religion.
Don't do rights. Rights are a religion.