Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Boycotts Violate "Rights"!

Boycotting is a political action, not an economic one. In a stateless society there would be no such thing as boycotting.

A call to boycott is a collective economic measure used to impose subjective socio-political ideologies on businesses. Nobody boycotts a business because the product is bad, they just don't shop there anymore, but each consumer makes that subjective decision on their own based on their personal preferences and the economics.

They boycott because it goes against their subjective sense of morality or politics or religion or they're just mad at the business and want to make an issue out of it and get the state involved and force the business to do what they want.

People are cancelling their Netflix subscriptions after years of enjoying their product, and they still enjoy their product but there's one or two movies out of hundreds or thousands that goes against their moral, religious or political sensibilities so they are calling for a boycott. They are calling for everyone to throw out the baby with the bathwater rather than simply not watching the movies they don't like and continuing to enjoy the ones they do.

~Don Cooper