Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Doug Casey: Neutrality & Terrorism

Legendary investment adviser Doug Casey speaks ethical and geopolitical truth:

"Our main interest is keeping the United States out of this thing. We’re 330 million people. About 7.6 million are Jews, and 3.6 million are Arab. The rest of us don’t want to have anything to do with what amounts to a Biblical domestic dispute that could easily turn into World War III."

Then there's this gem:

"Let’s not be too sanctimonious about terrorism. Bombing cities, which are by definition full of civilians, is just state terrorism, tarted up, justified, and rationalized with legalities and rhetoric."

Uh oh. That means America's "greatest" presidents--e.g., Lincoln, FDR, Truman--were terrorists! Sherman's March to the Sea; the firebombing of Dresden, Cologne, and Tokyo; and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki all targeted innocent civilians.

They had it coming, you say? I'm sure al-Qaeda said the same about Americans working at the World Trade Center on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. It's not as if Presidents George H. W. Bush and William J. Clinton had refrained from perpetrating all manner of mayhem on Iraq and Palestine through the 1990s, is it?

Targeting civilians doesn't stop being terrorism just because "the good guys" do it. Take a deep breath, step back, and look at it. Ask yourself: What kind of a good guy targets civilians?

Monday, October 16, 2023

Random Thoughts

What's that? An alliance? They shake us down for $10 billion a year, we fight their wars, and their enemies--now our enemies--storm our borders seeking refuge? Sure! Sign me up!

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I never did grasp the "Palestine never existed" argument. Do people really think the land just lay there desolate?

Three of my four grandparents were Italian. My paternal grandfather was born in 1888; his mother was born in 1850. I suspect the word "Italy" didn't even appear in maps of 1850 Europe. Italy was a collection of city-states, kingdoms, principalities, etc., back then. It didn't "unify" to become a bona fide nation-state until 1861.
Does that mean Italians didn't exist before 1861? What does that make my great-grandmother? A non-feathered bipedal deplorable?

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The Israelis have legitimate interests and grievances. The Palestinians have legitimate interests and grievances. Both sides commit atrocities.
Americans have no dog in this fight. The U.S. is a dilapidated house. It has no business running around the world fixing everybody else's house.
People in their right mind understand U.S. politicians are too stupid, corrupt, and dangerous to run a daycare center. Why would anyone think these same cretins are qualified to run a globe-encircling military empire?

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“Let's steer clear of that crazy place! It’s none of our business!”
The only reasonable U.S. position is precisely the one U.S. politicians refuse to take.

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Can't they just stick with speech crime and insults and vicious stereotyping? If they keep lobbing bombs into each other's neighborhood, somebody's bound to get hurt.