Immaterial Animating Principle
There is no God. There is no spirit realm. Everything is material. Man acts. Man gives man free will.
Wait. Free will presupposes an immaterial animating principle. Whereas, if you subscribe to scientific materialism, everything you do is the end-product of a long chain of chemical reactions. Agency is an illusion.
There is no "ought" or "ought not," only a perpetual "is." I punch you in the nose? You can't hold me responsible. The Big Bang--physics, ultimately--made me do it.
We've all been programmed. Our thoughts and actions are predetermined. All is sound and fury, signifying nothing.
Wait. Free will presupposes an immaterial animating principle. Whereas, if you subscribe to scientific materialism, everything you do is the end-product of a long chain of chemical reactions. Agency is an illusion.
There is no "ought" or "ought not," only a perpetual "is." I punch you in the nose? You can't hold me responsible. The Big Bang--physics, ultimately--made me do it.
We've all been programmed. Our thoughts and actions are predetermined. All is sound and fury, signifying nothing.